"Getting past the ATS"

If you are a jobseeker, you've probably heard about the ATS (also known as the applicant tracking system), and that you need to get "past it." It's true that you need to be aware of it and construct your resume to work well with it, but it's not really an obstacle to be overcome. In fact, you can use applicant tracking systems to your advantage.
In this 30 minute webinar, I'll review what happens to your resume once you hit the "apply" button, mistakes to avoid, and how to get your resume to the top of the digital pile.

Hi, I'm Heather, a 20 year recruiting industry veteran who left corporate life to work with job-seekers full time. I founded my business, Resume Insider to share all of my insider knowledge with people who want to do the job search right.

As a recruiter, I liked working with hiring managers, but I LOVED was working with job candidates.  This might sound like strange thing to say, but I felt honored to have a role in helping people make a major life decision. I also heard their challenges and felt their concerns around the hiring process.

I realized that I had knowledge to share and it was my job to get it out there so it could help people. 

Soon after, it would literally become my job.

They say that the key to a successful job search is who you know. Well, nice to meet you. 

Start this free course now.